How do you ensure remote call center quality monitoring?

6 min readDec 11, 2020


“Quality is the best business plan.”

John Lasseter

Managing & maintaining quality

Call center quality monitoring has been a foundation part of every customer support team as it is directly related to customer experience (CX). Quality assurance (QA) is mainly about meeting certain expectations or more specifically to ensure that the product or service should meet and often exceed a certain threshold of acceptability. Call quality management helps to get clear customer insight. This is why contact centers recruit a dedicated quality assurance team that evaluates every customer-representative interaction. Quality monitoring is not only about meeting industry standards; it is also a measure to enhance support metric figures, which in turn reduces time, repetitions and finally cost.

It is the process of monitoring and managing agent performance while gathering actionable information to enhance and optimize the customer experience.

Irrespective of where a support team is stationed, managing and maintaining quality customer interactions is essential. Even with the growth of automation in contact centers, phone and call support still remain one of the top channels of communication. But QA means looking out for better customer engagement. Rather, contact centers are faced with a number of problems:

  • Lack of benchmarking and clear performance standards
  • Low coverage volume of interactions analyzed
  • Lack of quality feedback for agent growth
  • Manual and subjective scoring

Quality monitoring: The key to enhance CX & process quality

Being a fundamental pusher of brand value, customer experience (CX) is already the main competitive factor to stay ahead in market competition. CX is so sensitive, that research from PwC shows that 32% of customers will walk away from a brand they love after a single bad experience. And this is why it is crucial to maintain a high-level quality when it comes to customer support. Technical advances have the potential to impact every aspect of a business. It is more likely to have a significant impact on operations and customer relations based on customer experience.

Effective quality monitoring actually works from the root of an issue to ensure great customer satisfaction. Gaps in customer interactions may stem from inadequate agent knowledge, communication discrepancies, technological hiccups or other reasons.

However, call monitoring is not only about sharing feedback with agents. It also gives a clear image of what the trends are and the changing tastes of customers. And thus, along with maintaining service parameters, close call quality monitoring helps to build future business strategies as well.

Align process with customer expectations: Call center quality monitoring for the win

A call center quality assurance program with the best quality monitoring practices delivers several benefits like :

  • Enhances potency of customer handling skills for every agent
  • Boosts CX
  • Reinforce customer retention

So knowing the weight it carries, putting in place quality monitoring should be a no-barrier for any contact center. But in some cases, many customer support team lacks to improvise the same. And when it is under remote call center operation, lack of face-to-face interaction increases the challenge even more. To overcome this, all it needs is adopting a strategic QA program, that is, both beneficial for the contact center team and entire business simultaneously.

Meeting KPIs

The primary objective of quality monitoring is to track customer interaction and to ensure that every pre-decided guideline of conversations is maintained. Just like maintaining lower AHT or shift adherence, maintaining quality is a core KPI for any customer support team., Engaging the agents directly in the evaluation process improves employee engagement. Going the right tool for call evaluation and quality monitoring is just as important.

Overall hygiene maintenance and success rate

Apart from regular evaluation, identifying unethical practices or failure mode identification during a conversation is also crucial. Unethical practices are those, that are considered as critical or highest level error for your customer service. That’s why in call center language; it is called as fatal-call Hygiene monitoring is not only about fatal detection. It’s also about monitoring genuinely of a real conversion call or successful sale as well. Maintaining overall service quality with an assurance of zero unethical exercises will definitely improve the overall performance of a contact center. And in turn, it will positively affect CX and its success rate. According to an article published in Forbes, 86% of buyers are in fact ready to pay more in lieu of a great customer experience.

Team collaboration and building a stronger workforce

Whether is about sharing work strategy or about employee engagement, team collaboration plays a major role in it. In a normal bricks-and-mortar contact center, QA team members generally share their feedback with every agent face-to-face. However, under remote operation due to lack of human proximity, things get different.

Going for a remote workforce management solution, like Leapmax, that has an integrated team collaboration tools like video conference or live chat is helpful in this case. Just like the Operations team, the quality assurance team can also communicate with each employee individually through this channel. Along with feedback sharing, a smart team collaboration tool helps the QA team to cascade any product updating or policy change immediately and all at once. Call calibration is another way of communication between QA team members and operation and training team supervisors.

Free-flowing communication between QA Teams and Training, allows a contact center to cater to specific problems faced by agents while interacting with customers. Along with customizing training programs, this also allows for understanding and fulfilling gaps in future interactions. This helps to keep every department of a customer support team on the same page. Regular communication between the QA team and agents and team supervisors helps to enhance operational efficiency and the entire team remains up-to-date with their process.

Identifying business flaws and trend

Along with guiding agents on the right way to handle customers, call monitoring helps to identify the current business scenario and customer taste as well. Regular monitoring makes any particular process flaw easily and smartly. And, these are not only about an agent’s performance or which are independent of an associate’s call handing quality. They are issues that are root causes of call repetitions, customer churn linked with core business values. Also, an analytical report of the quality assurance team makes the business heads to take future decisions as well.

Technical requirements

For a perfect call center quality monitoring schedule along with the right approach, QA team needs an ideal monitoring platform as well. Firstly, they require a proper report management platform where every agent’s performance can be saved. And secondly, a collaboration tool, especially for remote call centers. Publishing a weekly/monthly scorecard of every associate, and sharing the same with other team leaders and managers is essential. These reports help to identify agents who are lacking to meet the quality standards of customer handling.

And especially in the case of remote support teams, a proper communication channel is essential to share feedback, updates, and training sessions with agents. So going for a one-way remote working solution that has both a collaboration tool and report publishing platform is always a smart decision. This will make the job of the remote working QA team really effective and easy.

Training needs

Learning and development are an essential part of any organization. Training helps to perform employees to perform better in their own responsibilities. Here, the quality assurance teams can play a major role in their quality monitoring data. They can organize dedicated coaching sessions both for one-on-one as well as group sessions if required. Also, the QA team can consider organizing frequent refreshers and general group sessions. This type of extra effort encourages every associate to participate and discuss ideas with the QA team. Along with the improvement in performance quality, these sessions improve employee engagement and retention a lot.

In fact according to a post of go2hr 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year. This is why conducting training sessions is so important for any organization.

Improve productivity and quality simultaneously with the one-stop contact center solution

Call center quality assurance ensures customer satisfaction, the final goal for any customer support team. A higher CX reduces customer churn and thus, increases the chances of repeat purchases. This is why quality management is essential for any business to survive. Also along with the right approach, a secure platform is crucial to operating any sort of monitoring work.

Leapmax as a remote call center solution is designed to make your QA team collaborate and enhance operations while improving agent performance with the training team. This one-stop solution comes with an integrated report management solution and team collaborating channel.

With Leapmax, your QA team can share daily/weekly scorecards, communicate with every associate through the live chat tool. Also, conducting virtual classrooms for learning and development sessions is possible with Leapmax. We know the value of CX and how quality monitoring can upsurge the same. Leapmax is built with every facet that leverages your QA team to work smartly. To know more about how these features work under a single platform, contact here.




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